Types of Certificates in Certificate Manager8950 AAA Certificate Manager
Issue 1, December 2008
Viewing an existing Certificate
This dialog or panel allows you to select the type of certificate you want to create.
1. Click the Create Certificate action button, .
Result: The New Certificate dialog appears, as shown in Figure 22-10.
2. Select the View Existing Certificate and click Next.
Result: The View Existing Certificate–Certificate File is displayed, as shown in
Figure 22-20.
Figure 22-20 View Existing Certificate–Certificate File
3. Specify the name of the file of the certificate that you want to view. The file must exist
in the run directory on the server. If the certificate file is PKCS #12 (Public-key
Cryptography Standards), then enable that property and specify the password. By
default, if the file names specified do not contain a file extension, one will
automatically be added. On Windows platforms, .cer is used. On other platforms, .pfx
is used for PKCS #12 and .pem otherwise. Click Next.
Result: The Certificate Information dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 22-21.