Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 2 Configuring Interfaces
Information About Interfaces
Ta b l e 2-4 Reason Codes for Nonoperational States
Reason Code (long version) Description
Link failure or not connected The physical layer link is not operational. All
SFP not present The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) hardware is not
plugged in.
Initializing The physical layer link is operational and the protocol
initialization is in progress.
Reconfigure fabric in progress The fabric is currently being reconfigured.
Offline The Cisco NX-OS software waits for the specified
R_A_TOV time before retrying initialization.
Inactive The interface VSAN is deleted or is in a suspended
To make the interface operational, assign that port to a
configured and active VSAN.
Hardware failure A hardware failure is detected.
Error disabled Error conditions require administrative attention.
Interfaces may be error-disabled for various reasons.
For example:
• Configuration failure.
• Incompatible buffer-to-buffer credit configuration.
To make the interface operational, you must first fix the
error conditions causing this state; and next,
administratively shut down or enable the interface.
FC redirect failure A port is isolated because a Fibre Channel redirect is
unable to program routes.
No port activation license
A port is not active because it does not have a port
SDM failure A port is isolated because SDM is unable to program