Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 7 Configuring N Port Virtualization
Information About N Port Virtualization
NPV Mode
A switch is in NPV mode after a user has enabled NPV and the switch has successfully rebooted. NPV
mode applies to an entire switch. All end devices connected to a switch that is in NPV mode must log in
as an N port to use this feature (loop-attached devices are not supported). All links from the edge
switches (in NPV mode) to the NPV core switches are established as NP ports (not E ports), which are
used for typical interswitch links. NPIV is used by the switches in NPV mode to log in to multiple end
devices that share a link to the NPV core switch.
Note In-order data delivery is not required in NPV mode because the exchange between two end devices
always takes the same uplink to the core from the NPV device. For traffic beyond the NPV device, core
switches will enforce in-order delivery if needed and/or configured.
After entering NPV mode, only the following commands are available:
aaa Configure aaa functions
arp [no] remove an entry from the ARP cache
banner Configure banner message
boot Configure boot variables
callhome Enter the callhome configuration mode
cli CLI configuration commands
clock Configure time-of-day clock
do EXEC command
end Exit from configure mode
exit Exit from configure mode
fcanalyzer Configure cisco fabric analyzer
fcrxbbcredit Enable extended rx b2b credit configuration
fips Enable/Disable FIPS mode
hw-module Enable/Disable OBFL information
interface Select an interface to configure
ip Configure IP features
ipv6 Configure IPv6 features
line Configure a terminal line
logging Modify message logging facilities
no Negate a command or set its defaults
npv Config commands for FC N_port Virtualizer
ntp NTP Configuration
port-track Configure Switch port track config
power Configure power supply
poweroff Poweroff a module in the switch
radius Configure RADIUS configuration
radius-server Configure RADIUS related parameters
rate-mode Configure rate mode oversubscription limit
rmon Remote Monitoring
role Configure roles
snmp-server Configure snmp server
ssh Configure SSH parameters
switchname Configure system's network name
system System config command
tacacs+ Enable tacacs+
telnet Enable telnet
username Configure user information.
wwn Set secondary base MAC addr and range for additional WWNs