Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 6 Configuring PortChannels
Information About PortChannels
Table 6-1 compares ON and ACTIVE modes.
PortChannel Deletion
When you delete the PortChannel, the corresponding channel membership is also deleted. All interfaces
in the deleted PortChannel convert to individual physical links. After the PortChannel is removed,
regardless of the mode used (ACTIVE and ON), the ports at either end are gracefully brought down,
indicating that no frames are lost when the interface is going down (see the
“Graceful Shutdown” section
on page 2-9).
If you delete the PortChannel for one port, then the individual ports within the deleted PortChannel
retain the compatibility parameter settings (speed, mode, port VSAN, allowed VSAN, and port security).
You can explicitly change those settings as required.
• If you use the default ON mode to avoid inconsistent states across switches and to maintain
consistency across switches, then the ports shut down. You must explicitly enable those ports again.
• If you use the ACTIVE mode, then the PortChannel ports automatically recover from the deletion.
Interfaces in a PortChannel
You can add or remove a physical interface (or a range of interfaces) to an existing PortChannel. The
compatible parameters on the configuration are mapped to the PortChannel. Adding an interface to a
PortChannel increases the channel size and bandwidth of the PortChannel. Removing an interface from
a PortChannel decreases the channel size and bandwidth of the PortChannel.
This section describes interface configuration for a PortChannel and includes the following topics:
• Interface Addition to a PortChannel, page 6-8
Ta b l e 6-1 Channel Group Configuration Differences
No protocol is exchanged. A PortChannel protocol negotiation is performed
with the peer ports.
Moves interfaces to the suspended state if its
operational values are incompatible with the
Moves interfaces to the isolated state if its
operational values are incompatible with the
When you add or modify a PortChannel member
port configuration, you must explicitly disable
(shut) and enable (no shut) the PortChannel
member ports at either end.
When you add or modify a PortChannel interface,
the PortChannel automatically recovers.
Port initialization is not synchronized. There is synchronized startup of all ports in a
channel across peer switches.
All misconfigurations are not detected as no
protocol is exchanged.
Consistently detect misconfigurations using a
PortChannel protocol.
Transitions misconfigured ports to the suspended
state. You must explicitly disable (shut) and
enable (no shut) the member ports at either end.
Transitions misconfigured ports to the isolated
state to correct the misconfiguration. Once you
correct the misconfiguration, the protocol ensures
automatic recovery.
This is the default mode. You must explicitly configure this mode.