Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Quality of Service Configuration Guide
Chapter 9 Configuring Port Tracking
Configuring Port Tracking
Tracking Multiple Ports
Detailed Steps
To track multiple ports, follow these steps:
Information About Monitoring Ports in a VSAN
You can optionally configure one VSAN from the set of all operational VSANs on the tracked port with
the linked port by specifying the required VSAN. This level of flexibility provides higher granularity in
tracked ports. In some cases, when a tracked port is a TE port, the set of operational VSANs on the port
can change dynamically without bringing down the operational state of the port. In such cases, the port
VSAN of the linked port can be monitored on the set of operational VSANs on the tracked port.
If you configure this feature, the linked port is up only when the VSAN is up on the tracked port.
Tip The specified VSAN does not have to be the same as the port VSAN of the linked port.
Monitoring Ports in a VSAN
Detailed Steps
To monitor a tracked port in a specific VSAN, follow these steps:
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# interface fc8/6
Configures the specified interface and enters the interface
configuration submode. You can now configure tracked ports.
Note This link symbolizes the direct link (1) in Figure 9-2.
Step 3
switch(config-if)# port-track
interface port-channel 1
Tracks interface fc8/6 with interface port-channel 1. When
port-channel 1 goes down, interface fc8/6 is also brought down.
Note This link symbolizes the ISL (2) in Figure 9-2.
Step 4
switch(config-if)# port-track
interface fcip 5
Tracks interface fc8/6 with interface fcip 5. When FCIP 5 goes
down, interface fc8/6 is also brought down.
Note This link symbolizes the ISL (3) in Figure 9-2.
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# interface fc8/6
Configures the specified interface and enters the interface
configuration submode. You can now configure tracked ports.
Step 3
switch(config-if)# port-track
interface port-channel 1 vsan 2
Enables tracking of the PortChannel in VSAN 2.
switch(config-if)# no port-track
interface port-channel 1 vsan 2
Removes the VSAN association for the linked port. The
PortChannel link remains in effect.