Cisco MDS 9000 Family NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide
OL-29284-01, Release 6.x
Chapter 3 Configuring Fibre Channel Interfaces
Configuring Fibre Channel Interfaces
Configuring Local Switching
Note We recommend that you shut down all of the ports on the module before you execute the local switching
If local switching is enabled, then ports cannot be configured in dedicated mode.
If there are dedicated ports and you enter the local switching command, a warning is displayed and the
operation is prevented.
Detailed Steps
To enable or disable local switching module, follow these steps:
Use the show system internal xbar local-switching command to verify the local switching
configuration status on a module.
switch# show system internal xbar local-switching
| Slot | Local-switching enabled |
| 1 | no |
| 2 | no |
| 3 | no |
| 4 | no |
| 5 | yes |
| 6 | no |
| 9 | no |
| 10 | no |
| 11 | no |
| 12 | no |
| 13 | no |
Command Purpose
Step 1
switch# config t
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
switch(config)# local-switching module 5
Enables local switching for a module.
If you want to proceed with enabling local
switching, when prompted press Y to continue or N
to exit.
Step 3
switch(config)# no local-switching module
Disables local switching for a module.
If you want to proceed with disabling local
switching, when prompted press Y to continue or N
to exit.
Step 4
switch(config)# exit
Exits configuration mode.