
4)Use the UP/DOWN scroll button, as necessary, to view the status of the MIL
light (“ON” or “OFF) and the following monitors: (these monitors are for
emissions systems)
Misfire monitor -- Misfire monitor
Fuel System Mon. -- Fuel System Monitor
Comp. Component -- Comprehensive Components Monitor
EGR -- Exhaust Gas Recirculation System Monitor
Oxygen Sens. Mon. -- O2 Sensors Monitor
Catalyst Mon. -- Catalyst Monitor
EVAP System Mon. -- Evaporative System Monitor
Oxygen Sens. Htr. -- O2 Sensor Heater Monitor
Sec. Air System -- Secondary Air Monitor
Htd. Catalyst -- Heated Catalyst Monitor
A/C Refrig. Mon. -- A/C system Monitor
5)If the vehicle supports readiness test of “This Drive Cycle”, a screen of the
following displays:
I/M Readiness
? Since DTCs Cleared
This Drive Cycle ?
I/M Readiness
Since DTCs Cleared
MIL Status OFF
Misfire Monitor OK
Fuel System Mon OK
Comp. Component OK
Catalyst Mon INC
Htd. Catalyst N/A
Since DTCs Cleared