
If the manufacturer for your vehicle is not listed, use the UP/DOWN
scroll button to select “Other” and press ENTER.
5.3 Erasing Codes
CAUTION: Though there is no harm in doing so, erasing the
Diagnostic Trouble Codes will not only erase the codes from the
vehicle’s on-board computer, but also “Freeze Frame” data and
manufacturer enhanced data. Freeze Frame data PIDs are
information used to help the technician verify the condition at the
time a fault is set. Further, the I/M Readiness Monitor Status, for all
vehicle monitors, is reset to “INC” (incomplete) status.
This function is performed with key on engine off (KOEO). Do not start
the engine.
1)Use the UP/DOWN scroll buttons to select Erase Codes from the Diagnostic
Menu and press ENTER.
2)A warning message comes up asking for your confirmation.
If you do not want to proceed with erasing codes, press the ESC button
or use the LEFT/RIGHT scroll button to select NO to exit. A message of
“Command Cancelled!” is displayed. Wait a few seconds or press any
key to return to the Diagnostic Menu.
3)Press ENTER to confirm.
Diagnostic Menu
Sytem Status
Read Codes
Erase Codes
Live Data ?
View Freeze Frame
I/M Readiness
Diagnostic Menu
Erase Codes
Erase trouble codes!
Are you sure?
Erase Codes