
6)If retrieved information covers more than one screen, a down arrow will appear.
Use the DOWN scroll button, as necessary, until all data has been viewed.
If there is no freeze frame data available, an advisory message “No
freeze frame data stored!” is displayed.
7)If you want to view the full name of a PID, use the UP/DOWN scroll button to
select the PID, and press HELP.
8)Wait a few seconds or press any button to return to the previous screen.
5.6 Retrieving I/M Readiness Status
The I/M Readiness function is used to check individual Emission System
readiness tests on OBDII compliant vehicles. It is an excellent function to use
prior to having a vehicle inspected for compliance to a state emissions
program. CAUTION - by clearing trouble codes you also clear the readiness
status for the individual emission system readiness tests. In order to reset
these monitors, the vehicle must be driven through a complete drive cycle
with no trouble codes in memory. Times for reset vary depending on vehicle.
….………View Freeze Frame…………
Reading PID.01
- Please Wait -
…………View Freeze Frame… ……….
DTC_CNT 1630
LOAD_PCT (%) 0.0 ?
ECT() -40
SHRTFT1 (%) 0.0
……………… ..FUELSYS1……… ……
Fuel System 1 Status
Press any key to cont.