Album Delete
You can delete an existing album.
1 • If "Album Delete" is selected (P.52), the following
screen appears.
. -] a/
;:= :
Album to be deleted
11the edit menu is selected during playback, the unit
aulomatically selecls the item to be edited. In this case, skip tu
step 4 since yuu do not need tu select an item.
2. Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the album to be deleted,
3, Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the album,
Press CLEAR lu cancel the cuufirmed selection.
4, Press COMPLETE.
Tile selected album has been deleted.
This unit returns lu the editing menu item selection.
The number ol the deleted album will be available fur future use.
Album Pack
'Yi)ucan re-urganize the al/mm lmmhers hy elimir_ating unused
album numbers that have been crealed by changing album mnnbers
or deleliug albmns.
1 • If"Album Pack" is selected (P.52), the following
screen appears.
= ':::i =..,' i',
2. Press COMPLETE,
The album numhers are re-organized wiHlout unused album
This unit returns lu the editing menu item selection.
Before"Album Pack"
S / :5
Alter "Album Paek" (Unused albums are removed)
Album Title
Youcan assigna title toacreatedalhum.
I • If "Album Title" is selected (P.52), the following
screen appears.
T I $ 'I :"" '-' "/
... =.,1 =.,1 = i ."
Album to assign the title to
If Ihe edil menu is selecled during playback, Ihe unil
aulomatically selects the item to be edited. In this case, skip to
step 4 since yuu do not need tu select an item.
2. Rotate the MULTI JOG knob (press +/- on the remote
control) to select the album to assign a title to.
3, Press the MULTI JOG knob (ENTER on the remote
control) to confirm the album to assign a title to.
\ /
The cursor flashes. (If the selected album already has a title, the
title appears on the display.)
4. Use the MULTI dOG knob (press alphabetical/numeric
buttons on the remote control) to enter characters.
For details/111 selecting characters, rellzr to "Entering characters
in the edit menu" (P.51).
5, Press COMPLETE when all the characters have been
Tile title is assigned to tile selected alhum. Press TEXT/TIME
to switch the display infurmatiun as necessary (R 18).
This unit returns I/1the editing menu item selection. (11the edit
menu is carried uu during playback, playback restarts.)