• Recording input audio source
You can m0.ke recordings fi'om Ihe component such as 0.cable TV luner or DVD player connecled Io this unil.
This unil cannot inpul digilal signals other Ihan PCM signals.
Recording onto tire HDD is made in tire unil called "disc". The maximum lenglh of one disc on life HDD is 179 minutes 59 seconds. If tire
recording has been made exceeding Ihe maximum lenglh, the recording will be made continuously Io tire next available disc.
1. Press REC while the HDD is selected (P.14).
The HDD mark fhrshes, and the disc and track numbers to be
recorded are indicated on the display. Recording has not been
started 5'el at this stage. (HDD recording standby mode)
\ I /=, .........
• , , • _ + m.,i,m.,i m.,i REC
u., u,I u,I., u, I,u, I u, I
Discnumber tobe Tracknumberto be recorded
• In the HDD recording standby mode, you can specily the
settings for HDD recording. For details, rel'cr to "Setting the
HDD recording mode" (P.35).
• 'Yimcarl specify a disc to where data is copied. For details,
reli:r to "Selecting a target disc" (P.28). (When no disc is
specified, the unit automatically selects the smallest disc
number that does not contain any data.)
2. Select the input source to be recorded.
Tile lamp lbr tile selected input (OPTICAL (-2(-)AXIAL,or
ANALOG) lights.
3. Adjust the recording level.
The adjustment of the digital recording level is not normally
necessary. However it is possible to adjust the recording level
(R34) to suit your needs.
4. Press E>/nnto start recording.
== =.,= =.,= • m.,i,m.,i REC
I.'l'l I'l .' I I'l'l'l I
5. Start playing the source.
Press t>/nn to stop recording temporarily. The HDD mark
flashes and the track number is advanced to Ihe next.
Press t>/nn to resume recording.
This unit automatically adds Irack markers to track data while
recording external audio sources. To add track markers
manually, refer to "Adding track markers during recording
(Manual track marking)" (E37).
6, Press D to stop recording.
The first track number of the disc at which recording has heen
stopped is indicated on the display.
r: ......2
i m..i m..i , "J
I"l I"l .L "
• Never turn off the power of this unit during recording.
Recording may not be correctly made, or the data on the HDD
may be damaged.
• During recording, make sure that this unit is not suf!jected to
shock or vibration as the HDD may be damaged.