[ My Sirius Studio Software Installation ]
My Sirius Studio Software Installation
The My Sirius Studio software included with your Stiletto 100 allows you to connect your
Stiletto 100 to your PC computer. The software requires your PC computer to be using the
Microsoft Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 2 installed.
Important: The My Sirius Studio software must be installed before connecting the Stiletto
100 to your PC computer.
The following list provides a few highlights of the capabilities of the software:
Creating playlists and adding songs to the playlists.
Streaming SIRIUS music channels over the Internet.
Checking for updates to the device software and downloading them to the Stiletto 100,
and re-installing deleted device software.
During installation you will be given the opportunity to install Yahoo! Music Engine software.
The Yahoo! Music Engine software will recognize the Stiletto 100 and enable you to manage
playlists and download music files. Yahoo! Music Engine will also allow you to view the song
and artist information saved by you as “Favorites”. By using the Yahoo! Music Engine soft-
ware, it may be possible to purchase or download this content.
To install the My Sirius Studio software:
Place the My Sirius Studio software CD-ROM into your PC computer’s CD-ROM drive to
start the software installation.
If the installation does not begin automatically, double click the
SiriusStudioSetup icon
to begin the installation.
Follow the prompts of the software to complete the installation.
When the PC computer has rebooted, the My Sirius Studio software will be ready to use.
Please refer to the user guide included on the software CD-ROM for instructions on using the