Parameters available for AIR 6 and AIR 15
Pink Noise:
Range: On/Off
Range: -6dB to +6dB
Level calibration of the selected monitor.
Rel. Lev:
Range: -40dB to 0dB
Relative preset volume for the selected monitor.
Room Position:
C. Wall - Console Wall
C. Corn - Console Corner
Range: -6dB to +6dB
Bass adjustment for the selected monitor
Range: -6dB to +6dB
Treble adjustment for the selected monitor.
Parameters of AIR-Base subwoofers
Pink Noise:
Range: On/Off
Range: -18dB to +6dB
Level calibration of the selected monitor.
Rel. Lev
. - (Relative Level):
Range: -40dB to 0dB
Preset volume for the selected monitor relative to the
calibrated and global volume.
LFE Low Pass
Range: On/Off
Brickwall Limiter on the LFE channel attenuating
frequencies above 120Hz.
LFE Gain
Range: -6 to +8dB
With this parameter you can boost the acoustic gain of the
LFE channel.
Range: 0 or 180º
If the Subwoofer is correctly placed, setting the Phase
Reverse parameter at 180º should result in a full Phase
cancellation at the set Cross -over frequency. If this is not
the case - the Delay parameter should be adjusted.
Range: 0-180°
To time-compensate if the Sub is not placed according to
the ITU 775 recommendations. There are individual Phase
settings for each of the Bass Management Cross-over
frequencies. Once set, these are stored as Global settings.
Clear Setup for entire network
• Press ENTER and confirm with ENTER
LFE channel - note
Please note that in general the LFE channel should be
mixed with +10dB headroom.
If you are not able to boost your LFE monitor output from
your console, +10dB gain can be added on your AIR-Base
input. Most format encoders / decoders take the LFE boost
into account, meaning that you should leave the AIR-Base
LFE gain at 0dB when playing back a DTS or DOLBY
encoded material on your AIR system. LFE gain is set at
0dB in all factory presets, so if you need to add gain on
your AIR-Base please adjust this parameter and store the
new setting in a user preset location.
• Press ENTER and use ARROW keys to select presets
• Press ENTER to recall/load the selected preset
If no user-preset are stored on locations 1 to 4, presets 16
to 19 are loaded instead.
Complete preset list is available in the appendix
• Press ENTER and select storage location using the
ARROW keys
• Press ENTER again to store.
Storage location can be 1-15.
Parameter can be locked via the AIR PC-IP
software. When trying to change values on a
locked parameter the display reads “Locked”.