Picture name
allows you to select a picture to use as a background image.
you can choose between all default backgrounds and images that you have previously set as wallpapers.
you can also set a picture as wallpaper from the photo and video modes.
denes the theme color for your icons (and for the background, if you have disabled use of a wallpaper).-
Font color
denes the font color.-
Previous settings
tap on this to discard any changes you may have made since entering this screen.-
8.4 ClOCk seTTIngs
Time Format
choose between 12h or 24h mode.-
Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute
sets the current date & time-
If you use the optional DVR station to schedule video recordings on your TV system, make sure that the time
and date are set correctly!
8.5 POwer seTTIngs
These settings will help you save battery power, thus allowing a longer battery autonomy.
You can adjust settings for both battery operation and power supply operation (when the ARCHOS is pow-
ered by the AV charger/adapter).