
Showing Trac Conditions
When available, you can show highway trac conditions on the map.
Show or hide trac conditions: Tap , then tap Show Trac or Hide Trac.
Highways are color-coded according to the ow of trac:
Green = more than
50 miles per hour
Yellow = 25–50
miles per hour
Gray = no data
currently available
Red = less than 25
miles per hour
If you don’t see color-coded highways, you may need to zoom out to a level where you
can see major roads, or trac conditions may not be available for that area.
Finding and Contacting Businesses
Find businesses in an area:
1 Find a location—for example, a city and state or country, or a street address—or scroll
to a location on a map.
2 Type the kind of business in the text eld and tap Search.
Pins appear for matching locations. For example, if you locate your city and then type
“movies” and tap Search, pins mark movie theatres in your city.
Tap the pin that marks a business to see its name or description.
Find businesses without nding the location rst: Type things like:
restaurants san francisco ca
apple inc new york
Chapter 12 Maps