Storageflex 3945N Portable Media Storage User Manual

ApplianceWare v.5.3 Complete FAQ – February 24, 2004 – Page 12 of 30
Optifacio Software Services, Inc.
cd \Program Files\ApplianceView
Pass two extra command-line parameters to ApplianceView executable. Their values
depend on the locale that you want to run ApplianceView with. Below is an example for the
Japanese language.
ApplianceView.exe language=ja country=JP
Other countries and languages are represented in the table below.
language= country= Description
ko KR Korean (Korea)
fr FR French (France)
de DE German (Germany)
es Spanish
zh CN Simplified Chinese
zh TW Traditional Chinese
1.2.5 I already have a version of Java machine installed under Windows. Can I avoid
installation of additional Java machine within ApplianceView?
The things below can be only recommended for advanced users, and they may not work with
each given Windows installation.
First of all, make sure that you have Java version 1.3.1. None of the previous Java versions
(e.g. 1.3.0) or newer 1.4.0 version and higher, will fit. Pre-releases of 1.3.1 may cause problems,
too. For installation, please use the setup_novm.exe file on Windows systems, instead of just
setup.exe. This file is located in the novm directory of ApplianceView installation CD.