Display modes
Your radio has a range of display options when in Music Player mode.
Note that the availability of information depends on the specifi c media fi les,
their format and upon the server capability. (Not all UPnP servers make
information from the media fi les available in the same way.)
1. Press the Info button to cycle through the different options.
a. Progress bar Displays the playback progress for the
track currently playing.
b. Artist Displays the artist information for the
track currently playing.
c. Album Displays the album information for the
track currently playing.
d. Format Displays the bit rate and format of the
track currently playing.
e. Buffer Displays the radios internal buffer status
during media playback.
Whenever the Music Player is displaying an information screen (as
opposed to a menu screen), the time is displayed in the top-right corner of
the display, and a WiFi strength or Ethernet connection indicator is shown
in the bottom-right corner together with an indicator showing the radio is
obtaining the media from a UPnP server.
If the capture of track information by the Last.fm feature is enabled (known
as scrobbling), then the Last.fm logo will also be shown (see pages 55).