2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Socket Port Number must range from 1024 to 65535!
You tried to enter a Socket Port number less than 1024, greater than 65535 or
included extraneous characters.
Enter a Socket Port number between 1024 and 65535. The default is 04369.
There are no Trend Link data files to be initialized!
You do not have Trend Link selected as a data file format for any of the
instruments, or instruments with the Trend Link data file format are already
logging and therefore do not need initializing.
There is not enough free disk space on [Drive] for the Trend Link Data
Set files!
You are trying to create a Trend Link data file on a disk drive that has little or no
storage space.
To use this disk drive, delete unneeded files to create space for the new Trend
Link data file with its associated data set. To delete old Trend Link data files, see
"Deleting Old Trend Link Files” in Chapter 5 of this manual.
This Base Channel Number is already in use!
You tried to add an instrument to the Communications Configuration File with a
BCN that is already in use.
Select a BCN number that is unique, that is, not used by any other instrument on
the network. The range of BCNs is 01 to 99.
Time Interval must be between 1 and 99!
You entered an invalid Time Interval into the Auto Rollover dialog box.
Enter the number of hours as a whole number between 1 and 99. Do not enter
Time Interval must range from 1 minute to 999 hours and 99 minutes!
This will occur in the Batch Options dialog box when the user selects Periodic
Interval with an interval value outside the stated range.
Time of Day must be entered as 0 to 23 hours and 0 and 59 minutes!
This will occur in the Batch Options dialog box when the user selects Periodic
Interval and checks “Begin first interval at specified time,” and enters a time
outside the stated range.