Introduction 6-1.
Maintenance for the 2640A/2645A instruments is limited to self-test error code
explanations, cleaning, fuse replacement, performance test, calibration, and a
listing of replacement parts. A Service Manual (PN 942615) is available for
Self-Test Diagnostics and Error Codes 6-2.
Self-test diagnostics are performed each time the instrument is powered up. Any
errors encountered during this initial 5-second period are reported on the front
panel, as shown below.
If you encounter an error code, refer to Table 6-1 for a brief description of the
error. For all errors, try cycling the instrument power. If the error persists and you
intend to repair the instrument yourself, refer to the Service Manual, PN 942615.
Otherwise, package the instrument securely (using the original container, if
available), and mail it to the nearest Fluke Service Center. Include a description of
the problem. Fluke assumes no responsibility for damage in transit.
Table 6-1. Self-Test Error Codes
Error Code Error Description
1 Boot ROM Checksum Error
2 Instrument ROM Checksum Error
3 Internal RAM Test Failed
4 Display Power-Up Test Failed
5 Display Not Responding
6 Calibration Constants Corrupted
7 A-D Not Responding
8 A-D Self-Test Failed
9 A-D Zero Offset Test Failed
10 A-D Reference Balance Test Failed
11 A-D Overload Detection Test Failed
12 A-D Open Thermocouple Detection Test Failed
13 Communication Parameters (e.g., baud, IP address) Corrupted
14 Ethernet Address Corrupted
15 Internal RAM Constants Corrupted
16 Ethernet Chip Test Failed
17 Uncalibrated or Calibration Incomplete