2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Link Driver EXP16ODI
Port 300
Frame Ethernet_802.3
Frame Ethernet_II
Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3
Newt TCP/IP vs. Microsoft LANManager I-19.
If you have the Microsoft LANManager software already installed on your PC,
you do not need to install a new driver. However, unless you have the
LANManager TCP/IP software option, you will need to install the Newt TCP/IP
During NetManage Newt installation, select None when asked for a hardware
LANManager uses an NDIS driver that is loaded during installation of this
software. To add NetManage TCP/IP support to this driver, you must add lines to
the config.sys and protocol.ini files. Add a line to the config.sys
just after the line where the NDIS network driver is loaded as follows:
Add a section to the protocol.ini file as follows
BINDINGS=hardware driver name
The hardware driver name should be the same as that used in the drivers section
of the protocol.ini file (section that identifies the hardware used).
Delete the following line from your autoexec.bat file (the Newt Setup
program placed it there):
If you already have the LANManager TCP/IP software package installed, you do
not need to install the Newt package. Just make sure that the directory containing
the winsock.dll file is in the path as specified in your autoexec.bat.
Newt TCP/IP vs. Banyan Vines I-20.
Banyan Vines versions 4.10, 4.11, and 5.5 or higher can use the NDIS driver for
network card support. You must configure Vines to use the NDIS driver in order
to install the Newt software. This is done via the Banyan PCCONFIG utility
supplied with Vines.