2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
1. Select Preferences | Chart Title to open the Chart Title dialog box. Enter the
chart title name in the text box, for example, station one. Click OK.
2. Observe that the entered text appears at the top of the chart in the Title Bar.
Using the Note System 5-25.
Complete the following procedure to add a text note to a curve. You can add notes
to an historical curve to comment on a particular event (voltage spike, gap in the
data, etc.).
1. Select Preferences | Note System to enable the Note icon on the Control Bar.
2. To add a note to a point on an historical curve, drag the Note icon to a point
on the curve and release. When you release the note, a text box for the note
opens and displays the time and date where the note will be positioned on the
3. Enter the desired text (up to 1024 characters) in the text box, then click OK.
4. When the message “Add note permanently to curve?” appears, click Yes.
5. As a test, double-click the Note icon you just created to view the note text.
Click OK.
Printing a Chart 5-26.
Complete the following procedure to print a Trend Link chart. Trend Link prints
only the displayed portion of the chart.
1. Bring into view the portion of the chart you wish to print.
2. Select File | Print to open the Print Options dialog box (below).