Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Low on memory!
The current Windows memory level cannot support your operations.
Close all applications and restart Windows.
Maximum number of Instruments reached!
You tried to add more than 20 instruments to the Icon Bar.
The maximum number of instruments on the Icon Bar is 20. If you wish to add a
new instrument, you must first delete an existing instrument on the Icon Bar.
Min. Free Disk Space must be between 0 and 100000!
You entered an invalid Low Disk Space amount into the Auto Rollover dialog
Enter the number of k bytes as a number between 0 and 100000. This amount will
be used as the Low Disk Space amount, and should be entered into the Low Disk
Space field in the Auto Rollover dialog box.
Minimum and Maximum values for Input Range must be farther apart!
You have entered invalid Minimum and Maximum values for the input range of
the Mx+B calculation.
Enter representative values for the Minimum and Maximum Input Range that are
farther apart, for example, 0 and 100 for Celsius calculations. Very small values
such as .00001 and .00002 cannot be used for the required calculations.
Missing channel number reference!
A computed channel equation must contain at least one reference to another
configured channel.
Amend the equation to refer to another channel.
Missing left parenthesis!
You neglected to use a complete set of parentheses to delimit the argument to a
This message will show the location of the error. Amend the equation as
necessary so a complete set of parentheses is used to delimit the argument.