2645A Specifications
2645A Specifications A-21.
This section includes specifications specific to the 2644A instrument by
measurement function.
2645A DC Voltage Measurement Specifications A-22.
Tables A-24 to A-26 provide 2645A specifications for the dc voltage measurement
Table A-24. 2645A DC Voltage Measurement General Specifications
Specification Characteristic
Input Impedance 100MΩ in parallel with 300 pF maximum for ranges
10MΩ in parallel with 100 pF maximum for ranges
Normal Mode Rejection 50dB minimum at 50 Hz/60 Hz +0.1%, Slow Rate
Common Mode Rejection 120dB minimum at dc, 50 Hz/60 Hz +0.1%, 1kΩ
imbalance, Slow Rate
80dB minimum at dc, 60 dB at 50 Hz/60 Hz +0.1%,
1kΩ imbalance, Medium and Fast Rates
Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk 120dB minimum Slow Rate (e.g., 30V dc on
channel 1 may cause a 30 µV error on channel 2)
80dB minimum Medium and Fast Rates (e.g., 1V
dc on channel 1 may cause a 10 µV error on
channel 2)
Temperature Coefficient For % input: Add 1/10th the 90-day specification
per ºC above 28ºC or below 18ºC.
For floor error (V): add 1/20th the 90-day
specification per ºC above 28ºC or below 18ºC
Accuracy at -20°C Multiply the -10°C to + 60°C accuracy specification
by 2. After 1 hour warm-up. For accuracy between
-10°C and -20°C, interpolate linearly.
Maximum Input Voltage The lesser voltage of:
50V dc or 30V ac rms from any input terminal to
50V dc or 30V ac rms from any input terminal to
any other input terminal