2640A Specifications
Table A-11. 2640A DC Voltage Accuracy Specifications
Accuracy, 3σ ± (% input + V)
18°C to 28°C-10°C to 60°C
90 Day 1 Year 1 Year
Slow Fast Slow Fast Slow Fast
90 mV .01%+7 µV .01%+17 µV .013%+8 µV .013%+18 µV .042%+18.2µV .042%+44.2µV
300 mV .01%+15 µV .01%+30 µV .013%+17 µV .013%+35 µV .042%+39 µV .042%+78 µV
3V .01%+.1 mV .01%+.2 mV .013%+.15 mV .013%+.2 mV .042%+.26 mV .042%+.52mV
30V .01%+1.5 mV .02%+3 mV .013%+1.7 mV .026%+3.5 mV .042%+3.9 mV .084%+7.8mV
150/300V .01%+15 mV .04%+30 mV .013%+17 mV .052%+35 mV .042%+39 mV .168%+78 mV
Note 300V range applies to channels 1 and 11 only.
2640A AC Voltage Measurement Specifications A-14.
Tables A-12 to A-14 provide 2640A specifications for the ac voltage measurement
Table A-12. 2640A AC Voltage General Specifications
Specification Characteristic
Input Impedance 1 MΩ in parallel with 100 pF
Maximum Crest Factor 3.0 Maximum
2.0 for rated accuracy
Crest Factor Error For non-sinusoidal input signals with crest factors
between 2 and 3 and pulse widths ≥100 µs, add
0.2% to the accuracy specifications.
Common Mode Rejection 80 dB minimum at dc, 50 Hz/60 Hz ±0.1%, 1 kΩ
imbalance, Slow Rate