2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Packet Driver A network device driver specification defined by 3COM. Packet
drivers support operation of only a single protocol stack over the driver and
hardware interface.
PC Personal Computer. A much misused term usually used to refer to a computer
built to comply with the IBM PC defacto standards. Also used to refer to just
about any small computer.
PC Port Address The Intel X86 processor architecture supports addressing of
I/O devices in a separate address space from memory. The PC/AT architecture
supports 1024 of these I/O device addresses, commonly called port addresses. In
most cases, each I/O device (including network adapter cards) are assigned one or
more port addresses to allow the software to communicate with the interface
PING Packet Internet Groper. A program for testing if a host with a specified IP
address or name is reachable on the net. Some PING programs report statistics
about the path to the host that is found.
PLA Parallel to LAN adapter. A network interface adapter device that plugs into
the standard parallel interface (Printer Port) of an IBM PC or clone.
Port Also called an application port or socket port. A number used to identify a
specific connection to an application using TCP services. TCP uses port numbers
to provide multiple connections between applications in one host and applications
in one or more other host.
Proxy ARP A protocol used by Routers and Gateways to establish inter-subnet
routine paths automatically during the execution of an ARP between two hosts.
Network Protocol A standard procedure for regulating data transmission
between computers.
net.cfg A file in a standard format used to hold configuration information for
an ODI driver.
Protocol Stack A group of software packages that work together to implement a
network protocol. These packages are usually arranged so that one package
communicates with at most two other packages, one that implements a lower level
of the protocol and one at a higher level. This is why the collection is called a
protocol.ini A file with a standard format used to hold configuration
information for NDIS drivers.
Repeater A device used to physically isolate and extend the length of a network
wiring segment.
RFC Request For Comment. RFC documents describe all aspects and issues
associated with the International Internet and the TCP/IP protocol. Whenever a