
2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
Table A-2. 2640A/2645A Environmental Specifications
Specification Characteristic
Warm-up Time 1 hour to rated specifications -or- 15 minutes if relative
humidity (non-condensing) is 50% or less.
Operating Temperature -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)
Storage Temperature -40°C to +70°C (-40°F to +158°F)
Relative Humidity 90% maximum for -10°C to 28°C (14°F to 82.4°F)
75% maximum for 28°C to 35°C (82.4°F to 95°F)
50% maximum for 35°C to 60°C (95°F to 140°F)
(3 M range, reduce humidity rating by 25% for 1 hour
warm-up. 3 M range meets full humidity ratings with 2
hour warm-up.)
Altitude Operating: 2,000m (6,561 ft) maximum
Non-operating: 12,200m (40,000 ft) maximum
Vibration 0.7g at 15 Hz
1.3g at 25 Hz
3g at 55 Hz
Shock 30g half sine per Mil-T-28800E
Bench handling per Mil-T-28800E
2640A/2645A Input/Output Capabilities A-5.
The following specifications include the input/output functions, including the
Digital I/O, Trigger Out, Trigger In, and Master Alarm output.
Digital I/O A-6.
Table A-3 provides a summary of the Digital I/O specifications for the 8 Digital
I/O lines (0 to 7). Digital I/O is located on the DIGITAL I/O connector, terminals
0 to 7, and GND.
Table A-3. 2640A/2645A DIGITAL I/O Specification
Specification Characteristic
Maximum Input Voltage 30V
Minimum Input Voltage -4V
Isolation None (dc coupled)
Threshold 1.4V
Hysteresis 500 mV