
Appendix J
Error Messages & Exception
Introduction J-1.
This appendix describes error messages and how NetDAQ Logger handles
exception conditions during operation.
Communications Connection J-2.
If the communications connection to an instrument is broken during logging, a
modeless window appears with a warning message, bringing NetDAQ Logger to
the top. NetDAQ Logger continues on with other instruments in a round-robin
fashion and attempts to regain communication with the disconnected instrument
each time around.
Full-Disk J-3.
If the disk becomes full during data collection or if the directory structure is
deleted such that attempts to write to the data file fail, subsequent scans are not be
recorded, but communication with the instrument and data display continues. A
modeless window appears with a warning, bringing the NetDAQ Logger
application to the top.
Scan Queue Overflows J-4.
If the instrument’s scan queue overflows, a modeless window appears with a
warning message.
Error Conditions J-5.
Various error conditions in the instrument are checked and reported at the time
communications are opened. Diagnostic messages are displayed if the user enters