
Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Primary Interval must range from 0 to 24 hours (86400 seconds)!
You tried to enter a Primary Interval greater than 86400 or tried to enter
extraneous characters.
Enter numbers only between 00000.000 and 86400.000 for the Primary Interval.
RAM Constants Corrupted! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue or No to terminate operations. If the fault
recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
RAM Constants Corrupted!
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click OK. If the fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument
power. If the fault still persists, remove the instrument from service and return to a
Fluke Service Center for repair, along with a description of the error message.
RAM Failure! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Reading Remaining Scans...
This message appears when you stop scanning and there are still scans in the
instrument scan queue. When all the scans are read, the message clears, or you can
click Abort and terminate the reading process.
Reconfigure Communications to include this instrument!
You have an error in your Communications Configuration File.
The Communications Configuration File resides in the c:\Program
Files\Fluke\netdaq directory as ccf.cfg. If somehow this file has been
deleted, modified, or copied to this directory from another source, you may have
instrument icons without the attendant network parameters. If this condition