Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Existing data file is not compatible for appending!
You tried to log data to a data file in the Append mode but have added or
subtracted instrument channels from the configuration since the previous logging
Change the instrument channels back to their original settings, log to a new data
file, or rename the original file. You cannot append a data file after adding or
subtracting channels. You can, however, append a data file if you change channel
functions or ranges.
File Size must be between 200 and 100000!
You entered an invalid File Size into the Auto Rollover dialog box.
Enter a value between 200 and 100000 k bytes.
Front Panel Display Failure! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Front Panel Display Not Responding! Continue?
Your instrument has detected a fault during internal performance monitoring.
This message does not appear under normal operating conditions. Note the
message and click Yes to continue operations or No to terminate operations. If the
fault recurs, stop operations, and cycle instrument power. If the fault still persists,
remove the instrument from service and return it to a Fluke Service Center for
repair, along with a description of the error message.
Hour of Day must be between 0 and 23!
You entered an invalid Hour of Day into the Auto Rollover dialog box.
Enter a value between 0 (midnight) and 23.