Network Considerations
Newt Networking Software
11. Select File | Save. If the NDIS driver must be loaded, and it cannot be found
on one of the directories specified in your PATH environment variable, the
following dialog box displays. Enter the path to the NDIS driver. It is usually
found in the NDIS directory of the diskette supplied with your Ethernet
If communication between the host computer and a NetDAQ instrument must
pass through a router or gateway, you must set up the default gateway address
on both the host computer and the instrument. (This information is available
from your network administrator.) To set the default gateway address in Newt,
select Service | Default Gateway and enter the address for your local router or
12. In the Custom window, select File | Exit. Click OK to reboot the computer.
After rebooting is complete, continue to Step 13.
13. In Windows, open Custom from the NEWT group. Verify that the Physical
Address is filled in (the example below is typical). If you receive error
messages, see Table I-1 Newt Quick Check.