3.10.2 Copying traces to memory
The TRACe:COPY command allows you to copy the contents of a memory
register to another memory register. This allows you to fill a memory register with
traces from one of the following sources:
Copy an acquisition trace from one of the input channels.
Send → TRACe:COPY M1_2,CH2 ’ Copies from CH2 to M1_2
Note: The result of this command is also that the acquisition traces of other
channels (CHn) are copied into M1_n, provided channel CHn is on.
So, all previously stored traces in M1 are lost!
Copy a previously stored trace from another trace memory register.
Send → TRACe:COPY M2_2,M1_2 ’ Copies from M1_2 to M2_2
Note: The result of this command is also that all stored traces of M2_N are
copied into M1_n, provided a trace was stored before. So, all
previously stored traces in M2 are lost!
CALL Send(0, 8, "
RST", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "SENSe:FUNCtion ’XTIMe:VOLTage3’", 1) ’
CALL Send(0, 8, "TRACe:COPY M2_1,CH1", 1)
’ The result is that the acquisition traces of the channels 1 and 3 are copied to M2_1 respectively M2_3
CALL Send(0, 8, "TRACe:COPY M3_1,M2_1", 1)
The result is that the previously stored traces in M2_1 and M2_3 are copied to M3_1 respectively m3_3