3.3.4 Customizing settings
Often, you need more precise control of the measurements than possible with the
MEASure? query. The combination of CONFigure and READ? is provided to
allow you to program one or more settings that are vital to your application.
Executing this sequence of instructions is equivalent to sending MEASure? For
setting up the instrument, CONFigure uses the same measure functions and
parameters as MEASure?. The CONFigure command does the instrument setup
portion of MEASure?. The READ? query initiates the acquisition, performs the
needed calculations, and returns the desired result.
Since READ? no longer changes instrument settings, commands that are
executed after CONFigure, but before READ?, are taken into effect by the
acquisition. This concept allows you to perform a generic configuration through
CONFigure and then customize the measurement by programming the settings
that are vital to your application. Next the READ? completes the measurement
CONFigure:AC Configures the instrument to perform an RMS
measurement of the AC component at the default
input channel 1.
SENSe:AVERage ON Sets averaging on.
SENSe:AVERage:COUNT 4 Sets averaging factor at four.
READ:AC? Starts the measurement and returns the averaged
AC-RMS value.
READ? uses the same measure functions and parameters as CONFigure. After
the instrument has been set up for a particular measure function by the
CONFigure command, the same measure function key words can be repeated by
the READ? query header. Moreover, it is allowed to request for another signal
characteristic by specifying a measure function other than that for which the
instrument was configured. However, keep in mind that the instrument was set up
by CONFigure for another task. As these settings are not affected by READ?, it
is not guaranteed that the instrument is able to acquire the signal characteristic
that is requested by READ?
CONFigure:AC Sets up the instrument to perform an RMS
measurement of the AC component.