The TRACe? query reads a binary trace block from channel acquisition memory
(CH1 to CH4) or from register memory (M1 to M8 for standard memory and M9 to
M50 for extended memory). The TRACe command writes a binary trace block to
register memory (M1 to M8 for standard memory and M9 to M50 for extended
A specified constant can also be written into trace register memory. If a constant
is specified, the rounded signed constant value is copied to all trace points in the
register memory.
Trace data can only be read when the trace memory is not empty. The internal
trace administration data is not affected. If the length of the trace block doesn’t
match the length of the destination register, the following happens:
If the destination register is longer, the remainder of the destination register is
not affected.
If the destination register is shorter, the remainder of the trace block is ignored.
In both cases no error is reported.
If the oscilloscope is in the analog mode, error -221 "Settings conflict;Digital mode
required" is generated.
Note: If the queried trace is being built, the query action will take place after
completion of the building process. To cancel running acquisitions, use
the ABORt command.
As an example the format of the block data of a trace of 512 "16-bit" samples is
Example 1:
In this program example a trace is read from the actual signal at input channel 1.
The received data block is converted to an array of voltages. This program
example works for traces of 512 samples, consisting of 8 bits (1 byte) or 16 bits
(2 bytes) samples.
→ *RST Resets the instrument.
→ CONFigure:AC (@1) Configures for AC-RMS.
→ INITiate Initiates single acquisition.
→ *WAI Waits for end of acquisition.
# 4 1 0 2 6 <16> <msb 1> <lsb 1> . . . <msb 512> <lsb 512> <checksum> <NL>
trace sample 512
trace sample 1
byte with decimal value 16
number of trace bytes (1026)
number of digits of 1026
trace bytes