Trade-off: This way of programming is cumbersome and tricky, because
additional information on the front panel display is not always
available remotely.
Example: DISPlay:MENU TRIGger Activates the TRIGGER softkey
SYSTem:KEY 4 Simulates the pressing of softkey 4.
The effect is that TRIGGER menu
option "noise" is switched on or
3.2.1 Measurement instructions
This is a completely new approach in the remote operation of programmable
instruments, which provides a set of task-oriented measurement instructions.
Rather than programming every instrument setting separately with starting the
acquisition and calculating the result, just specify the desired signal characteristic,
and the CombiScope instrument returns the requested result. Depending upon
the actual available signal, your CombiScope instrument automatically
determines the optimal settings to acquire and calculate the requested result.
An example of such a command is the MEASure:FREQuency? query, which not
only works on oscilloscopes, but also on different types of SCPI-compatible
instruments, such as counters and multimeters.
With traditional oscilloscopes you had to do the following:
- set up all functions of the oscilloscope separately.
- start the acquisition of the data.
- position the cursor markers.
- calculate the frequency from the acquired data.
- read the calculated frequency from the instrument.
A single, simple SCPI query replaces all of the above, namely the
MEASure:FREQuency? query which does the following:
- auto configures the oscilloscope to the best possible setting for the requested
measurement task.
Note: This process is different from the traditional AUTOSET process in
that the autoset function determines the instrument settings based
on the input signal only, whereas, the auto configure algorithm also
takes the desired measurement task into account.
- starts the acquisition process.
- takes care that the measurement is triggered.
- calculates the desired characteristic from the acquired data.
- returns the calculated value.