The parameters "XTIMe:VOLTage<n>" and "XTIMe:VOLTage:SUM <i,j>" are of
the type <string_data> (specified between double or single quotes). Execution
error -221 "Settings conflict" is generated, if the execution of a command causes
the last input channel or the addition of two input channels to be turned off.
In the analog mode, the added trace (e.g., CH1+CH2) as well as both channel
traces (e.g., CH1, CH2) are displayed.
In the digital mode, the summarized trace (e.g., CH3+CH4) or the channel
trace(s) (e.g., CH3, CH4) is displayed. Switching CH1+CH2 on, switches CH1
and CH2 off. Switching CH1+CH2 off, switches CH1 and CH2 on.
After a
RST command, channel 1 is switched on and the other channels are
switched off. Also the addition of input channels is switched off.
For the PM33x0B CombiScope instruments:
- Channel 3 is not applicable and channel 4 is the external trigger view channel.
- Channel 4 can be switched on, only if it is already selected as trigger input
(TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal).
- Channel 4 can be switched on, only if channel 1 or 2 is on.
→ *RST Switches channel 1 on,
and the others off.
→ SENSe:FUNCtion:ON 'XTIMe:VOLTage2'Switches channel 2 on.
The result is that the input channels 1 and 2 are switched on.
→ SENSe:FUNCtion:ON 'XTIMe:VOLTage:SUM 1,2'
Switches CH1 + CH2 on.
The result is that the addition of input channels 1 and 2 is
switched on.
Front panel compliance:
The SENSe:FUNCtion command is the remote equivalent of the front panel ON,
CH1+CH2, and CH3+CH4 keys.