<expected_time> = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the time value that is expected to be
measured. The unit of <expected_time> is second.
<time_resolution> = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the resolution of the time measurement to be
executed. The unit of <time_resolution> is second.
<expected_frequency> = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the frequency value that is expected to be
measured. The unit of <expected_frequency> is hertz.
<frequency_resolution = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the resolution of the frequency measurement
to be executed. The unit of <frequency_resolution> is
<reference_middle> = <NRf> | DEFault
Range: 0 ... 100. Default value: 50
Specifies the REFerence MIDDle level as a percentage
of the HIGH value. See figure 3.2. The unit of
<reference_middle> is volt.
<expected_period> = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the value of the period that is expected to be
measured. The unit of <expected_period> is second.
<period_resolution> = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the resolution of the period measurement to
be executed. The unit of <period_res> is second.
Response: <NR3>
Example: <1.25E-01> = 0.125