[[ (<voltage_parameters>),] <measure_parameters>]
= [<expected_voltage> [,<resolution>]]
<expected_voltage> = <NRf> | DEFault
Specifies the voltage that is expected at the input.
<resolution> = <NRf> | DEFault
This parameter may be added for reasons of
compatibility with similar programs for other
instruments. It would specify the resolution of the result
when a voltage measurement is to be executed.
Because the CombiScope has a fixed resolution, this
parameter is ignored during execution.
Both voltage parameters must be omitted when the
:VOLTage node of the command is defaulted.
= [(@1)] | (@2) | (@3) | (@4)
Specifies the input channel number at which the
characteristic is to be measured.
Note: @3 and @4 not applicable for PM33x0B.
<measure_function> <measure_parameters>
No parameters. Measures the RMS value of the AC
component. The RMS value is expressed in volts.
No parameters. Measures the amplitude of a waveform.
The amplitude is the difference between the HIGH and
LOW values as shown in figure 3.2. The amplitude is
expressed in volts.
] No parameters. Measures the DC component. The DC
component is expressed in volts.