3.18 Functions not Directly Programmable
Not all front panel functions are individually programmable with SCPI commands.
However, the SYSTem:SET and
RCL commands can be used to access
the following functions:
- Cursor functions see CURSORS menu (appendix B.2.2)
- Logic Triggering see TRIGGER menu (appendix B.2.10)
- Event functions see TB MODE menu (appendix B.2.9)
- DTB functions see DTB (DEL’D TB) menu (appendix B.2.6)
- X pos see X POS button
- Display menu functions see DISPLAY menu (appendix B.2.3)
- Pass/Fail functions see MATHPLUS MATH menu
(appendix A5 and B.2.4.)
Other functions and keys that are not individually programmable with SCPI
commands are accessible using the SYSTem:KEY command. They are:
- Roll mode DISPlay:MENU TBMode;:SYSTem:KEY 3 toggles on/off
- Trigger noise DISPlay:MENU TRIGger;:SYSTem:KEY 4 toggles on/off
- TEXT OFF key SYSTem:KEY 801 selects next option
- STATUS key SYSTem:KEY 201 toggles on/off
- MAGNIFY keys SYSTem:KEY 210/211 selects previous/next step
- ENVELOPE DISPlay:MENU ACQuire;:SYSTem:KEY 3 toggles on/off
- MULTiple-shot DISPlay:MENU TBMode;:SYSTem:KEY 1 (up)or 2 (down)
(after INITiate:CONTinuous OFF)