[[ (<voltage_parameters>),] <measure_parameters>]
The syntax elements are specified with the MEASure? query.
The CONFigure command is part of the measurement instruction set. It sets up
the instrument in order to perform the measurement as specified by the
<measure_function> part in the command header.
The CONFigure command does not start the acquisition, and therefore, does not
return a result. For that purpose, the CONFigure command must be followed by
a READ? query (or by INItiate and FETCh?). Executing CONFigure and READ?,
is equivalent to executing a MEASure? query.
The parameters provide additional information about the signal to be measured
or the desired result. The oscilloscope uses these parameter values to provide the
best possible settings for the specified task. When the parameters are defaulted,
the oscilloscope chooses its own settings, based upon the signal to be measured
and its own trade offs. After executing the CONFigure command, the instrument
settings are undefined.
The default :VOLTage node specifies that the characteristic to be measured
relates to a voltage signal. For example, the AC component of a voltage signal,
the rise time of a voltage signal, etc.
A CONFigure command may be executed only when the oscilloscope is in the
digital mode (INStrument:SELect DIGital). The digital mode is selected after
RST. Executing this query when the instrument is in the analog mode, generates
execution error -221,"Settings conflict; Digital mode required".