A.3 Saving/Recalling Instrument Setups
The following examples use the save/recall features for instrument setups.
Saving and recalling can be done via internal memory (refer to A.3.1) and
remotely via computer disk space (refer to A.3.2). These features can be used for
non-supported functions, e.g., Cursor Measurements. Before executing one of
the programs in section A.3.1 or A.3.2, a cursor measurement setup must be
done by hand via the front panel.
A.3.1 Save/recall settings to/from internal memory
The following example uses the save/recall feature to/from internal instrument
1) The program requests to save the current instrument setup to a memory
location that must be entered if you respond with Y(es).
2) The program requests to recall an instrument setup from a memory location
that must be entered if you respond with Y(es).
3) A single-shot cursor measurement is done. Using the service request
mechanism (SRQ) the end of the measurement is waited for. Then, as an
example, the "dT cursor" readout value is read and printed.
4) Finally the program asks to stop or to perform a next measurement.
Application summary:
Before running the program, make a cursor measurement setup via the front
panel CURSORS key and menu.
Enable the SRQ mechanism to generate an interrupt after "Operation
Completed" (routine ServReq is executed).
Request to save the current instrument setup. If response = Y(es), routine
Save.Setup is called.
Request to recall an instrument setup. If response = Y(es), routine
Enter.Setup is called.
Initiate a single acquisition by sending: INITiate:CONTinuous OFF
If an SRQ is generated (acquisition finished), the dT cursor value is read and
printed by sending: DISPlay:WINDow:TEXT20:DATA?
Request to stop or to repeat this test (do Repeat.test1 again).