In the first section the notation conventions concerning the specification of the
syntax and data types are given.
In the second section a summary of all commands and associate parameters is
given in alphabetical order. This gives you a quick reference of the SCPI com-
In the third section detailed descriptions of all commands and queries for the
CombiScopes instruments instruments are given. The IEEE.2 commands/queries
(beginning with a
) are listed first, followed by the SCPI commands and queries
in alphabetical order.
4.1 Notation Conventions
4.1.1 Syntax specification notations
The method that is used in this manual to specify the syntax of the commands is
based on the EBNF notations. To be able to correctly spell the commands, you
need to be familiar with the concept of this notation. The notation form uses 3
types of symbols that need to be distinguished:
Meta symbols
Meta symbols have a particular meaning. They don’t specify any literal or
message element, but serve a particular purpose.
Example: | is the symbol for alternative. 0 | 1 means either 0 or 1.
Non-terminal symbols
Non-terminal symbols are message elements that are specified elsewhere.
They are placed between the < > signs.
Example: <Boolean> means a boolean value.
Terminal symbols
Terminal symbols consist of a sequence of literals that use the standard ASCII
character set. Any ASCII symbol that is not a meta symbol or a non-terminal
symbol is considered to be a literal.