[[ (<voltage_parameters>),] <measure_parameters>]
The syntax elements are specified with the MEASure? query.
Example: <1.25E-01> = 0.125
The READ? queries are part of the measurement instruction set. They start a
measurement and return the signal characteristic that is specified by the
<measure function> part in the query header. Executing a READ? query aborts
any pending acquisition. The READ? query does not affect the instrument
Before the READ? query, the CONFigure command must be executed, to set up
the instrument for the measurement task to be performed. Executing CONFigure
and READ? in order, without any command in between, is equivalent to executing
the MEASure? query.
A READ? query allows the same parameter sets as the corresponding MEASure?
and CONFigure instructions. Their use distinguishes from these instructions in
that they only serve to specify the desired result from a READ? query. They don’t
affect the instrument settings. They may also be sent for reasons of compatibility
with the preceding CONFigure instruction.
The default :VOLTage node specifies that the requested characteristic relates to
the voltage component of the signal. For example, the rise time or frequency of
the voltage.
A READ? query can be executed only when the oscilloscope is in the digital mode
(INStrument:SELect DIGital). The digital mode is selected after
RST. Executing
this query when the instrument is in the analog mode generates execution error -
221,"Settings conflict; Digital mode required".