Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-6074 End System mode only supports one subnet. Refer to the error message text.
EID-6075 Trying to remove MAT entry that does not exit. CTC is removing the MAT entry.
EID-6076 Cannot {0} TARP manual adjacency entry:
CTC cannot add the specified adjacency
entry for reasons unknown.
EID-6077 Area address shall be 1 to 13 bytes long. The area address should not be more than 13
EID-6078 TDC entry with TID {0} does not exist in the table. The specified Tunnel Identifier does not
EID-6079 Unable to remove TDC entry with TID {0}.
Please verify that TARP is enabled.
You must enable TARP inorder to remove
the TDC entry.
WID-6080 Router #{0} does not have an area address in common with
router #1. Switching from IS L1/L2 to IS L1 in this case will
partition your network.
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-6081 The limit of 10 RADIUS server entries has been reached. CTC does not allow more than 10 RADIUS
EID-6082 {0} cannot be empty. The Shared Secrets field should not be
EID-6083 The entry you selected for editing has been altered by other.
Changes cannot be committed.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-6084 The RADIUS server entry already exists. Specify another RADIUS server entry.
WID-6085 Disabling shell access will prevent Cisco TAC from connecting
to the vxWork shell to assist users.
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-6086 Cannot change card. Card resources are in use. The card you are trying to remove is being
used. Cannot change the card.
EID-6087 Cannot change card. The new card type is invalid or
Refer to the error message text.
EID-6088 This line cannot be put into loopback while it is in use as a
timing source
Refer to the error message text.
EID-6089 Interface not found. {0} CTC cannot find the specified interface.
EID-6090 Interface type not valid for operation. {0} Choose another interface.
EID-6091 The current state of the interface prohibits this operation. {0} The port is in an invalid state to set a
EID-6092 Operation prohibited for this interface. {0} CTC does not allow this operation for the
specified interface.
EID-6093 Max number of Tarp Data Cache entries exceeded. You have exceeded the number of
characters permitted.
EID-6094 Max number of Manual Adjacency Table entries exceeded. Refer to the error message text.
EID-6095 Invalid Ais/Squelch mode. Refer to the error message text.
EID-6096 Default IP Over CLNS tunnel route is only allowed on a node
without a default static route and a default router of
Refer to the error message text.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description