Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-1023 This session has been terminated.
Terminations are caused when the session has timed out, the
card resets, there is already a session with the slot, or password
configuration is required.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-1025 Unable to create Help Broker. CTC was unable to create the help broker
for the online help.
EID-1026 Error found in the Help Set file. CTC encountered an error in the online help
EID-1027 Unable to locate help content for Help ID: "{0}". CTC was unable to locate the content for
the help ID.
EID-1028 Error saving table. {0} There was an error while saving the
specified table.
EID-1031 CTC cannot locate the online user manual files. The files may
have been moved, deleted, or not installed. To install online
user manuals, run the CTC installation wizard on the software
or documentation CD.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-1032 CTC cannot locate Acrobat Reader. If Acrobat Reader is not
installed, you can install the Reader using the CTC installation
wizard provided on the software or documentation CD.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-1035 CTC experienced an I/O error while working with the log files.
Usually this means that the computer has run out of disk space.
This problem may or may not cause CTC to stop responding.
Ending this CTC session is recommended, but not required.
Refer to the error message text.
WID-1036 WARNING: Deleting the CTC cache may cause any CTC
running on this system to behave in an unexpected manner.
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-1037 Could not open {0}. Please enter another filename. Invalid file name. CTC is unable to open the
specified file. Ensure that the file exists and
the filename was typed correctly.
EID-1038 The file {0} does not exist. The specified file does not exist.
EID-1039 The version of the browser applet does not match the version
required by the network element. Please close and restart your
browser in order to launch the Cisco Transport Controller.
Refer to error message.
WID-1040 WARNING: Running the CTC with a JRE version other than
the recommended JRE version might cause the CTC to behave
in an unexpected manner.
Refer to warning message.
WID-1041 An error occured while closing the {0} connection. CTC encountered an error while closing the
specified connection.
EID-2001 No rolls selected. {0} No rolls were selected for the bridge and
EID-2002 The Roll must be completed or cancelled before it can be
You cannot delete the roll unless it has been
completed or cancelled.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description