Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
Table 4-1 Error Messages
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description
EID-0 Invalid error ID. The error ID is invalid.
EID-1 Null pointer encountered in {0}. Cisco Transport Controller (CTC)
encountered a null pointer in the area
described by the specified item.
EID-1000 The host name of the network element cannot be resolved to an
Refer to the error message text.
EID-1001 Unable to launch CTC due to applet security restrictions. Please
review the installation instructions to make sure that the CTC
launcher is given the permissions it needs. Note that you must
exit and restart your browser in order for the new permissions
to take effect.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-1002 The host name (e.g., for the network element) was successfully
resolved to its address, but no route can be found through the
network to reach the address.
The node is not reachable from CTC client
EID-1003 An error was encountered while attempting to launch CTC.
Unexpected exception or error while
launching CTC from the applet.
EID-1004 Problem Deleting CTC Cache: {0} {1} Unable to delete the CTC cached JARs,
because another application may have the
JAR files running; for example, another
instance of CTC.
EID-1005 An error occurred while writing to the {0} file. CTC encountered an error while writing to
log files, preference files, etc.
EID-1006 The URL used to download {0} is malformed. The URL used to download the specified
JAR file is incorrect.
EID-1007 An I/O error occurred while trying to download {0}. An input or output exception was
encountered when CTC tried to download
the specified JAR file.
EID-1018 Password must contain at least 1 alphabetic, 1 numeric, and 1
special character (+, # or %).
Password shall not contain the associated user-ID.
The password is invalid.
EID-1019 Could not create {0}.
Please enter another filename.
CTC could not create the file due to an
invalid filename.
EID-1020 Fatal exception occurred, exiting CTC.
Unable to switch to the Network view.
CTC was unable to switch from the node or
card view to the network view and is now
shutting down.
EID-1021 Unable to navigate to {0}. CTC was uanble to display the requested
view (node or network).
EID-1022 A session cannot be opened right now with this slot. Most likely
someone else (using a different CTC) already has a session
opened with this slot.
Please try again later.
Refer to the error message text.