Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-2090 No nodes selected. Please select the node(s) on which to store
the profile(s).
You must select one or more nodes on
which you can store the profile.
EID-2091 Unable to switch to node {0}. CTC is unable to switch to the specified
EID-2092 General exception error. CTC encountered a general exception error
while trying to complete the task.
EID-2093 Not enough characters in name. {0} The name must have a minimum of six
EID-2094 Password and confirmed password fields do not match. You must make sure the two fields have the
same password.
EID-2095 Illegal password.
The password you entered is not allowed.
EID-2096 The user must have a security level. You must have an assigned security level to
perform this task.
EID-2097 No user name specified. You did not specify a user name.
EID-2099 Ring switching error. There was an error during the ring switch.
EID-2100 Please select at least one profile to delete. You have not selected the profile to delete.
EID-2101 Protection switching error. There was an error during the protection
EID-2102 The forced switch could not be removed for some circuits. You
must switch these circuits manually.
The forced switch could not be removed for
some circuits. You must switch these
circuits manually.
EID-2103 Error upgrading span. There was an error during the span upgrade.
EID-2104 Unable to switch circuits back as one or both nodes are not
This error occurs during the path protection
span upgrade procedure.
EID-2106 The node name cannot be empty. You must supply a name for the node.
EID-2107 Error adding {0}, unknown host. There was an error adding the specified
EID-2108 {0} is already in the network. The specified item exists in the network.
EID-2109 The node is already in the current login group. The node you are trying to add is already
present in the current login group.
EID-2110 Please enter a number between 0 and {0}. You must enter a number in the range
between 0 and the specified value.
EID-2111 This node ID is already in use. Please choose another. Select a node ID that is not in use.
EID-2113 Cannot set extension byte for ring.
CTC cannot set the BLSR/MS-SPRing
extension byte.
EID-2114 Card communication failure. Error applying operation. This error can occur during an attempt to
apply a BLSR protection operation to a line.
EID-2115 Error applying operation.
There was an error in applying the specified
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description