Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-3165 The Ring ID provided is already in use. Ring IDs must be
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3166 Error refreshing {0} table CTC encountered an error while refreshing
the specified table.
EID-3167 Slot already in use Refer to the error message text.
EID-3168 Provisioning Error An error was encountered while attempting
the specified provisioning operation. Refer
to the details portion of the error dialog box
for more information.
EID-3169 Error Adding Card CTC encountered an error while adding the
EID-3170 Cannot delete card, {0} Refer to the error message text.
EID-3171 Error creating Trap Destination CTC encountered an error creating the trap
EID-3172 No RMON Thresholds selected Select an RMON threshold.
EID-3173 The contact “{0}” exceeds the limit of {1} characters. The specified contact exceeds the specified
character limit.
EID-3174 The location “{0}” exceeds the limit of {1} characters. The specified location exceeds the specified
character limit.
EID-3175 The operator identifier “{0}” exceeds the limit of {1}
The specified operator identifier exceeds
the specified character limit.
EID-3176 The operator specific information “{0}” exceeds the limit of
{1} characters.
The specified operator specific information
exceeds the specified character limit.
EID-3177 The node name cannot be empty. The specified name is empty.
EID-3178 The name “{0}” exceeds the limit of {1} characters. The specified name exceeds the specified
character limit.
EID-3179 Protect card is in use. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3180 1+1 Protection Group does not exist. Create a 1+1 protection group.
EID-3181 Y Cable Protection Group does not exist. Refer to the error message text.
EID-3182 The Topology Element is in use and cannot be deleted as
You cannot delete the topology element
which is in use.
EID-3183 Error Deleting Protection Group CTC encountered an error while deleting
the protection group.
EID-3184 No {0} selected. You must select an item before completing
this task.
EID-3185 There is a protection switch operation on this ring. Therefore,
it cannot be deleted at this time.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3186 Busy: {0} is {1} and cannot be deleted as requested. The request cannot be completed.
EID-3187 Error deleting trap destination. CTC encountered an error deleting the trap
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description