Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-2159 Roll not ready for completion.
The roll is not ready for completion.
EID-2160 Roll not connected.
Refer to error messge text.
EID-2161 Sibling roll not complete.
One of the rolls is not completed for the
dual roll. If it is auto roll, it will be
completed when a valid signal is detected.
If it is a manual roll, you must complete the
roll from CTC if Bridge and Roll is
operated from CTC, or from TL1 if Bridge
and Roll is operated from TL1.
EID-2162 Error during roll acknowledgement.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-2163 Cannot cancel roll.
CTC cannot cancel the roll.
EID-2164 Roll error.
CTC encountered a roll error.
WID-2165 The MAC address of node {0} has been changed. All circuits
originating from or dropping at this node will need to be
Repair the circuits that originate from or
drop at the specified node, with the new
MAC address.
WID-2166 Unable to insert node into the domain as the node is not
Initialize the node and proceed.
WID-2167 Insufficient security privilege to perform this action. You do not have the previlege to perform
this action.
WID-2168 Warnings loading{0}. {1} CTC encountered warnings while loading
the alarm profile import file.
WID-2169 One or more of the profiles selected do not exist on one or more
of the nodes selected.
The profile selected does not exist on the
node. Select another profile.
WID-2170 The profile list on node {0} is full. Please delete one or more
profiles if you wish to add profile.
The number of profile that can exist on a
node has reached the limit. To add a profile,
delete any of the existing profiles.
WID-2171 You have been logged out. Click OK to exit CTC. Refer to the warning message text.
WID-2172 The CTC CORBA (IIOP) listener port setting of {0} will be
applied on the next CTC restart.
The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)
listener port setting for the CTC Common
Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) will be applied on the next CTC
EID-2173 Port unavailable. The desired CTC CORBA (IIOP) listener
port, {0}, is already in use or you do not have permission to
listen on it. Please select an alternate port.
Select an alternate port, as the current port
is either in use or you do not have enough
permission on it.
EID-2174 Invalid number entered. Please check it and try again. You entered an invalid firewall port number.
Try again.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description