
Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
EID-2130 The ring ID value, {0}, is not valid. Please enter a valid number
between 0 and 9999.
Enter a ring ID value between 0 and 9999.
EID-2131 Cannot set reversion to INCONSISTENT. You must select another reversion type.
EID-2135 Unable to store overhead circuit preferences:
Input/Output error. Unable to store
overhead circuit preferences.
EID-2137 Circuit merge error. {0} There was an error while merging the
EID-2138 Cannot delete all destinations. Please try again. Refer to the error message text.
EID-2139 Error updating destinations. There was an error in updating the circuit
EID-2143 No online help version selected. Cannot delete the online help
Select the version of online help, and
EID-2144 Error deleting online help book(s).
You cannot delete the specified online help.
EID-2145 Unable to locate a node with an IOS card. Refer to error message.
EID-2146 Security violation. You may only logout your own account. You cannot logout of an account other than
your own.
EID-2147 Security violation. You may only change your own account. You cannot change an account other than
your own.
EID-2148 Security violation. You may not delete the account under which
you are currently logged in.
You cannot delete the account you are
currently loggd in.
WID-2149 There is nothing exportable on this view. Refer to the error message text.
WID-2150 Node {0} is not initialized. Please wait and try again. Wait till the specified node is initialized and
try again.
WID-2152 Spanning tree protection is being disabled for this circuit. Refer to the warning message text.
WID-2153 Adding this drop makes the circuit a PCA circuit. Refer to the warning message text.
WID-2154 Disallow creating monitor circuits on a port grouping circuit. Refer to the warning message text.
WID-2155 Only partial switch count support on some nodes.
The specified nodes do not support switch
counts completely.
WID-2156 Manual roll mode is recommended for dual rolls. For auto dual
rolls, please verify that roll to facilities are in service and error
Refer to the warning message text.
WID-2157 Cannot complete roll(s).
CTC could not complete the roll because
the roll is destroyed, in an incomplete state,
in a TL1_roll state, is cancelled, or is not
ready to complete.
EID-2158 Invalid roll mode.
There are two roll modes: auto and manual.
For a one-way circuit source roll, the roll
mode must be auto and for a one- way
circuit destination roll, the roll mode must
be manual.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description