Cisco ONS 15310-CL and Cisco ONS 15310-MA Troubleshooting Guide, R7.0
Chapter 4 Error Messages
WID-3256 Could not assign timing reference(s) because - at least one
timing reference has already been used and/or - a timing
reference has been attempted to be used twice.
Please verify the settings.
Refer to the warning message text.
EID-3257 Duplicate DCC number detected: {0}. CTC detected more than one occurene of
the a DCC number. Remove one of them.
EID-3258 There was a software error attempting to download the file.
Please try again later.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3259 Create FC-MR Threshold You must create a Fibre Channel Multirate
(FC_MR) card threshold.
EID-3260 An error was encountered while provisioning the internal
The specified internal subnet could not be
EID-3261 The port rate provisioning cannot be changed while circuits
exist on this port.
Refer to the error message text.
EID-3262 The port provisioning cannot be changed when the port status
is not OOS.
You must provision the ports only when the
port is Out of Service.
WID-3263 You are using Java version {0}. CTC should run with Java
version {1}. It can be obtained from the installation CD or
CTC is being launched with the wrong
version of the JRE {0}. This version of CTC
requires a particular version of the JRE {1}.
The CTC and browser must be closed and
restarted to allow the correct Java version to
be loaded.
EID-3264 The port provisioning cannot be changed while the port is {0}. You must modify the port provisioning only
when the port is out of service.
EID-3265 Error modifying Protection Group Protection Group could not be modified.
EID-3266 Conditions could not be retrieved from the shelf or card view. Refer to the error message text.
WID-3267 Cannot edit XTC protection group. Refer to the warning message text.
WID-3268 Invalid entry. {0} The specified entry is invalid.
WID-3269 {0} was successfully initiated for {1} but its completion status
was not able to be obtained from the node. {0} may or may not
have succeeded. When the node is accessible, check its
software version.
Refer to the error message text.
WID-3270 The file {0} does not exist. The specified file does not exist.
WID-3271 The value entered must be greater than {0}. The value entered must be greater than the
specified value.
WID-3272 Entry required An entry is required to complete this task.
WID-3273 {0} already exists in the list. The specified item already exists in the list.
WID-3274 A software upgrade is in progress. Network configuration
changes that results a node reboot can not take place during
software upgrade. Please try again after software upgrade is
Refer to the warning message text.
Table 4-1 Error Messages (continued)
Error Warning
ID Error Warning Message Description